2013년 12월 12일 목요일

[학위논문_박사] 대학기부자와 자선기부자의 기부행동 결정요인에 관한 실증연구 / 김주원(2005, 성균관대 대학원)

  • Since 1970's in America, the research of non-profit sector has been actively initiated and made under the title of non-profit organization, social welfare or their similar themes as a traditional study, which emerged as the core task of social scientists. But Korea has not readily developed this kind of study of non-profit marketing and furthermore, actually there are few studies on donation culture.

  • However, the expansion of the fund-raising of the non-profit organizations and the donation culture becomes the important social issue in reality. Recently, the concerns and consciousness of the general public tend to change from quantitative growth in past times to qualitative life according to the enhancement of the economic level. And the demand of the public about social welfare has been largely increased and the size and number of non-profit organizations that request financial support has been remarkably augmented. But under consideration of financial dimension of current government, the financial expenditures for non-profit organizations are very low in comparison with those of the advanced countries.

  • Such kind of situation finally arrives to search for individual donators for securing income sources in activities and operation of non-profit organizations and each non-profit organization becomes to have the consciousness of necessity of efforts of fund-raising and marketing strategy.

  • While, the national non-profit organizations faced new and difficult missions that they have not experienced in activities of fund-raising is how to construct the foundation of individual donator against deficit finance. Those missions are as follows; first, what is the motivation of the individual donator?; second, how do we switchover the irregular donators to regular and long-term donators?; third, what motivation do we give to the individual donators according to the type of non-profit organizations?
  • According to the investigations by non-profit organization's related specialists and agencies, the main motivation of most individual donators was given by stimulating their sympathy. But it shows the problem that this kind of motivation was temporary and could not connect to constant and long-term donation. In other words, the emotive and sympathetic donations are more impromptu and non-sustainable than regular and long-term ones. It is indicated that these kinds of donators were temporary and stopped in midway as irregular ones. They are easily made in a certain moment but cannot be constant and sustainable for long-term effect.
  • Also, the fund-raising by simple sympathy is not currently accepted but the donators in general have shown the tendency that they don't donate without returning benefits to themselves. It can be said that the national donators of non-profit organizations wanted to get a certain convenience and benefit through their donation under the reciprocity.
  • When explaining the phenomenon of the reciprocity In terms of marketing, the donation act of the individual donator may be regarded as a transaction not as a unilateral delivery. In other words, the individual donator wants to compensate for his/her donation. Therefore, we have to take alternatives for marketing activities creating donation value from the side donators by making more focus on what their actual motivation is.
  • Therefore, we need to pay attention the paradigm tendency of the reciprocity giving and taking the special convenience and benefit between individual donator and non-profit organization including motivation and act of donation. Furthermore, we need to analyze and verify the effect of motivations of donation in comparison of the existing study of them.
  • While, the existing study in America presented the positive relationship between the organization's identity resilience, its identification and the donator's intention. But recent survey held in the donations given to Korean universities showed the tendency to regard the Win-Win reciprocity value as more important. Thus, we need to examine how these kinds of motivations influence on donation acts of individual donators.
  • For this purpose, the present study is to analyze and verify 'why, in what kind of type and to what kind of non-profit organizations donate the individual donators'.
  • In particular, the present study showed that the reciprocity gave the positive impact on the individual donator's acts for non-profit organizations. The paradigm of donation motivation tends to change to the stream searching for conveniences and benefit through donation from stimulating donator's sympathy.
  • As a result, the direction of fund-raising strategy of national non-profit organization needs to be made for formation of the reciprocity. In other words, it showed the motivation and consciousness of individual donator in search of mutual benefits. And this kind of consciousness can be said to give the definitive impacts on donator's motivation.
  • Therefore, the reciprocity is thought that the donations is recognized socially and often made for donator's self-admiration instead of the expression of sympathy forward the poor people. Also the donation and gift are easily accepted as a part of mutual exchange in traditional and modern society.
    The suggestions and expectancy effect of marketing are briefly summarized as follows:
  • First, we construct the pattern and profile of individual donator's motivation and the strategic frames of individual donator market.
  • Second, based on the identification of the valuables in motivation according to type of non-profit organization, we promote the efficiency of donation activities by providing references. Namely, the fund-raising-related people of non-profit organization have to develop effectively a brief and integral fund-raising-strategy-program with a few of valuables.
  • Third, since we understand the patterns of motivation and attitude of donator customer, we establish appropriate STP strategy in donation market.
  • Fourth, through comparative analysis of motivations and attitudes of individual donators relative to the types of non-profit organization, we understand the behavior of donation consumers and provide the clues of the fund-raising marketing.
  • Fifth, we provide the efficiency of PR strategy for future fund-raising by understanding the motivation, attitude and propensity of individual donator.
    Finally, we provide the guideline and insight for the general development of national donation culture. 

제1장 서론=1,10,1
제1절 연구문제의 인식 및 연구의 필요성=1,10,7
제2절 연구의 목적과 연구의 의의=7,16,5
제3절 연구의 범위=11,20,1
제4절 연구의 방법과 논문의 구성체계=12,21,2

제2장 이론적 배경=14,23,1
제1절 비영리조직과 비영리마케팅의 주요개념=14,23,1
1. 비영리조직의 개념=14,23,2
2. 비영리마케팅의 개념 및 특징=15,24,3
3. 비영리조직의 기금모금활동의 개념=17,26,3
제2절 기부와 관련된 개념 및 이론적 검토=19,28,2
1. 경제학적인 접근=20,29,3
2. 사회학적인 접근=22,31,6
3. 심리학적인 접근=27,36,2
제3절 기부와 관련된 선행연구의 검토=28,37,4
1. 비영리조직과 관련된 기부결정요인=31,40,2
1.1 상호호혜성=32,41,5
1.2 정체성 부각=36,45,3
1.3 일체감(Identification)=38,47,5
2. 개인의식과 관련된 기부결정요인=43,52,2
2.1 이성적 기부동기와 감성적 기부동기=44,53,5
2.2 이기적 기부동기와 이타적 기부동기=48,57,5
3. 개인기부자의 기부행위=53,62,1
3.1 비영리조직의유형별 기부행동과 기부 정기성=53,62,5
3.2 기부태도와 기부행동=57,66,3
3.3 기부자의 만족과 불만족=59,68,3

제3장 연구의 설계=62,71,1
제1절 연구모형의 설정과 가설의 설정=62,71,1
1. 연구모형의 설정=62,71,2
2. 연구가설의 설정=63,72,8
제2절 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정항목의 설정=70,79,7
제3절 예비조사 및 사전조사 결과분석=76,85,1
1. 예비조사 실시의 개요=76,85,2
2. 측정변수에 대한 신뢰성과 타당성 검정=77,86,4

제4장 실증분석=81,90,1
제1절 대학기부자 표본설계와 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증=81,90,1
1. 대학기부자 표본의 선정과 인구통계학적인 분포=81,90,2
2. 측정변수의 신뢰성과 타당성 검증=82,91,5
3. 기부동기와 기부행동 구성개념간의 상관관계분석=87,96,3
4. 가설의 검증=89,98,9
제2절 자선기부자 표본설계와 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증=97,106,1
1. 자선기부자 표본의 선정과 인구통계학적인 분포=97,106,3
2. 측정변수의 신뢰성좌 타당성 검증=99,108,3
3. 자선기관기부자의 기부동기와 기부행위에 관한 상관관계 분석=102,111,1
4. 가설의 검증=103,112,7
제3절 비영리조직유형에 따른 기부동기와 기부행동에 대한 비교=109,118,5

제5장 결론=114,123,1
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 논의=114,123,5
제2절 마케팅 관리 및 전략적 시사점=118,127,6
제3절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구의 방향=123,132,2

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